001    // Generated from com/khubla/pragmatach/framework/uri/antlr4/RouteSpecification.g4 by ANTLR 4.1
002    package com.khubla.pragmatach.framework.uri.antlr4;
004    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
005    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;
006    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode;
007    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode;
009    /**
010     * This class provides an empty implementation of {@link RouteSpecificationListener},
011     * which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
012     * of the available methods.
013     */
014    public class RouteSpecificationBaseListener implements RouteSpecificationListener {
015            /**
016             * {@inheritDoc}
017             * <p/>
018             * The default implementation does nothing.
019             */
020            @Override public void enterId(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdContext ctx) { }
021            /**
022             * {@inheritDoc}
023             * <p/>
024             * The default implementation does nothing.
025             */
026            @Override public void exitId(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdContext ctx) { }
028            /**
029             * {@inheritDoc}
030             * <p/>
031             * The default implementation does nothing.
032             */
033            @Override public void enterIdsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdsegmentContext ctx) { }
034            /**
035             * {@inheritDoc}
036             * <p/>
037             * The default implementation does nothing.
038             */
039            @Override public void exitIdsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdsegmentContext ctx) { }
041            /**
042             * {@inheritDoc}
043             * <p/>
044             * The default implementation does nothing.
045             */
046            @Override public void enterSegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.SegmentContext ctx) { }
047            /**
048             * {@inheritDoc}
049             * <p/>
050             * The default implementation does nothing.
051             */
052            @Override public void exitSegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.SegmentContext ctx) { }
054            /**
055             * {@inheritDoc}
056             * <p/>
057             * The default implementation does nothing.
058             */
059            @Override public void enterRoutespecification(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.RoutespecificationContext ctx) { }
060            /**
061             * {@inheritDoc}
062             * <p/>
063             * The default implementation does nothing.
064             */
065            @Override public void exitRoutespecification(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.RoutespecificationContext ctx) { }
067            /**
068             * {@inheritDoc}
069             * <p/>
070             * The default implementation does nothing.
071             */
072            @Override public void enterPathsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.PathsegmentContext ctx) { }
073            /**
074             * {@inheritDoc}
075             * <p/>
076             * The default implementation does nothing.
077             */
078            @Override public void exitPathsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.PathsegmentContext ctx) { }
080            /**
081             * {@inheritDoc}
082             * <p/>
083             * The default implementation does nothing.
084             */
085            @Override public void enterEveryRule(@NotNull ParserRuleContext ctx) { }
086            /**
087             * {@inheritDoc}
088             * <p/>
089             * The default implementation does nothing.
090             */
091            @Override public void exitEveryRule(@NotNull ParserRuleContext ctx) { }
092            /**
093             * {@inheritDoc}
094             * <p/>
095             * The default implementation does nothing.
096             */
097            @Override public void visitTerminal(@NotNull TerminalNode node) { }
098            /**
099             * {@inheritDoc}
100             * <p/>
101             * The default implementation does nothing.
102             */
103            @Override public void visitErrorNode(@NotNull ErrorNode node) { }
104    }