001    // Generated from com/khubla/pragmatach/framework/uri/antlr4/RouteSpecification.g4 by ANTLR 4.1
002    package com.khubla.pragmatach.framework.uri.antlr4;
003    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;
004    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener;
006    /**
007     * This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
008     * {@link RouteSpecificationParser}.
009     */
010    public interface RouteSpecificationListener extends ParseTreeListener {
011            /**
012             * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#id}.
013             * @param ctx the parse tree
014             */
015            void enterId(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdContext ctx);
016            /**
017             * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#id}.
018             * @param ctx the parse tree
019             */
020            void exitId(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdContext ctx);
022            /**
023             * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#idsegment}.
024             * @param ctx the parse tree
025             */
026            void enterIdsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdsegmentContext ctx);
027            /**
028             * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#idsegment}.
029             * @param ctx the parse tree
030             */
031            void exitIdsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.IdsegmentContext ctx);
033            /**
034             * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#segment}.
035             * @param ctx the parse tree
036             */
037            void enterSegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.SegmentContext ctx);
038            /**
039             * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#segment}.
040             * @param ctx the parse tree
041             */
042            void exitSegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.SegmentContext ctx);
044            /**
045             * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#routespecification}.
046             * @param ctx the parse tree
047             */
048            void enterRoutespecification(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.RoutespecificationContext ctx);
049            /**
050             * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#routespecification}.
051             * @param ctx the parse tree
052             */
053            void exitRoutespecification(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.RoutespecificationContext ctx);
055            /**
056             * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#pathsegment}.
057             * @param ctx the parse tree
058             */
059            void enterPathsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.PathsegmentContext ctx);
060            /**
061             * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link RouteSpecificationParser#pathsegment}.
062             * @param ctx the parse tree
063             */
064            void exitPathsegment(@NotNull RouteSpecificationParser.PathsegmentContext ctx);
065    }