001    package com.khubla.pragmatach.plugin.adminapp;
003    import com.khubla.pragmatach.framework.api.PragmatachException;
004    import com.khubla.pragmatach.framework.api.Response;
006    /**
007     * @author tome
008     */
009    public class SecuredAdminController extends BaseAdminController {
010       /**
011        * check security
012        */
013       public Response render() throws PragmatachException {
014          /*
015           * get the user controller
016           */
017          final AdminUserController adminUserController = this.getSessionScopedController(AdminUserController.class);
018          /*
019           * user logged in?
020           */
021          if (null != adminUserController.getUsername()) {
022             /*
023              * user is logged in
024              */
025             return super.render();
026          } else {
027             /*
028              * check for the cookie
029              */
030             final String userId = getRequest().getCookies().getEncryptedCookie(USERID);
031             final String password = getRequest().getCookies().getEncryptedCookie(PASSWORD);
032             if ((null != userId) && (null != password)) {
033                /*
034                 * check
035                 */
036                if ((userId.compareTo(getConfigurationParameter("pragmatach.adminapp.username")) == 0) && (password.compareTo(getConfigurationParameter("pragmatach.adminapp.password")) == 0)) {
037                   /*
038                    * set the session state from the cookie
039                    */
040                   adminUserController.setUsername(userId);
041                   /*
042                    * redirect back and try again
043                    */
044                   return super.render();
045                } else {
046                   /*
047                    * log in
048                    */
049                   return super.forward("/pragmatach/admin/login");
050                }
051             } else {
052                /*
053                 * log in
054                 */
055                return super.forward("/pragmatach/admin/login");
056             }
057          }
058       }
059    }